Hi5 and Dynamic Youth Award Challenge Sheets
- A challenge sheet is required for each young person to complete an award.
- The cost of a Hi5 or Dynamic Youth Award (DYA) challenge sheet is £6.
- This price includes the cost of quality assurance, process and printing and return of the accreditation certificate for each individual award to the registered group, school or hub.
- Challenge sheets are available in digital form (editable PDF) or physical copies.
- You can order either or both types depending on the needs of your group.
Youth Achievement Award Booklets
- Youth Achievement Award (YAA) booklets are required for each young person completing a Youth Achievement Award.
- Challenge Sheets are available in digital form (Editable PDF).
- The cost of the YAA is currently £16 per award.
- This includes the cost of quality assurance and uploading the award to SQA for processing and certification.