DYA Candidate Registration Form

Take the next steps for accessing, completing and submitting your Dynamic Youth Award CRF.

A close-up image of the DYA Candidate List from the Candidate Registration Form.

DYA Candidate Registration form

DYA CRF 2023
XLSX, 145 KB

Completing and Submitting your DYA CRF

To submit a Youth Scotland Award we require you to fill in a Candidate Registration Form (CRF). This form must be completed and returned when your awards are ready to be submitted for certification. All the information requested is necessary. This provides full candidate and organisation details. If you are submitting more than 40 awards you should complete additional CRFs. Please do not try to add candidates beyond the maximum of 40 on a single form. This breaks the functionality of the form and you will need to re-submit.

To help you fill in the CRF please refer to the guide below:

Filling in the Candidate List

  1. Confirmation of permission to share a young person’s data:
    Youth Scotland requires permission to share a young person’s data. This permission is given by an authorised person from the Awards Delivery Hub or the Awards Delivery Group by ticking the red box at the top right-hand corner of the candidate list tab on the CRF. Under our data protection policy, we are not permitted to process any CRF without this confirmation
  2. Local Authority Area/ Awards Delivery Group Details: On the candidate list form please use the drop-down list to select the local authority area that the organisation is in.  Also on the candidate list form please use the drop-down list to select your Awards Delivery Hub or Awards Delivery Group name for submitting awards for certification. Once your group name is selected this will autofill your registration number. If your Group do not appear on the list please contact the Youth Scotland Awards Team- awards@youthscotland.org.uk
  3. Booklet Number:
    Hi5 Award booklet numbers are pre-purchased and these should be entered on the candidate list form as proof of payment for the qualification. The challenge sheet numbers (CSN) can either be found on the hard copy challenge sheet, front or back page. For digital copy challenge sheets the CSNs would have been emailed with the original order.
  4. Name / Date of Birth/ SCN / Gender / Post Code / Ethnicity / Disability:
    The full names, dates of birth, gender and postcode of candidates must be entered this section can be found on the candidate list form. This information is required for Youth Scotland’s records. It is important that dates of birth are in DD/MM/YYYY format and that a valid postcode is entered. Please enter Scottish Candidate Number if known. Gender, ethnicity and disability are selected from drop-down lists. Gender options are F, M, N or O (Female, Male, Non-binary, Other). The candidate’s ethnicity and disability are also selected from drop-down lists. When selecting a disability code, if the young person prefers not to say, please enter the appropriate code (H), and do not leave it blank.
  5. Name of Award Group Worker/s (Assessor/s):
    On the candidate list form enter the name of the award group worker who has supported the candidate in the majority of their award and who has assessed the completed award. Initials are acceptable for the same worker with subsequent candidates on the CRF. More than one award group worker can be entered in this section if different candidates have been supported and awards assessed by different workers. This forms part of the quality assurance record

Filling in the Challenge Sheet Data:  

Youth Scotland requires you to fill in all sections of this sheet, this information comes from what is on each young person’s challenge sheet and will be printed on the certificate. We are unable to update this information, so please ensure that this is correct, and complete and that there are no spelling mistakes. There is a cost incurred for reprinting certificates.

Filling in the Assessment Form: 

This sheet is to be completed by the award group worker. Please enter your name and date. Please ensure all criteria is met by each young person before selecting YES from the dropdown boxes. All criteria must be met with YES before submission.

Filling in the Internal Verifier Form:

This sheet is to be completed by the internal verifier. Please enter your name and date. Go through each of each young person’s challenge sheet and evidence in the submission and ensure ALL criteria is met with a yes before proceeding to the next step.

Emailing your CRF: 

Please email the completed candidate registration form to awards@youthscotland.org.uk. We will then be in contact to let you know which portfolios we wish to sample for standardisation.