Youth Scotland Member Groups

Learn more about registration for Youth Scotland Member Groups.

A group of youth workers stand in a circle, talking.

A member group can sign up for a registration package for free, as part of their Youth Scotland membership.

Start Your Youth Scotland Member Group Awards Registration


  • Annual registration fee – £0 
  • Youth Scotland member groups must register separately to their membership to access this award delivery option. 
  • This registration option must be renewed each membership year and benefits cannot be applied retrospectively.  
  • Registration to deliver the Hi5, Dynamic Youth Awards for their Youth Group Members.  
  • Receive 10 free award challenge sheet numbers and PDF copies of the Hi5 and Dynamic Youth Awards challenge sheets. 
  • The group name will appear on the Hi5 and Dynamic Youth Award certificates. 
  • This registration option does not include access to the Youth Achievement Awards (YAA). If you are looking to deliver YAA please contact your Area Association or the awards team at for advice and guidance. 
  • This registration option is a benefit of membership and is intended to support members and can only be used within your youth group with your youth group members. Any awards delivery beyond your youth group or youth group members, e.g. in partnership with a school, requires an alternative registration option. Please contact the awards team at for advice and guidance.  


  • 2 training places at a scheduled online Hi5 and Dynamic Youth Award training session. 
  • Access to the Hi5 and Dynamic Youth Award e-learning modules 

Delivering Youth Scotland Awards

Each young person completing an award requires a challenge sheet or booklet. Our awards follow a learning journey through different age and stage, although they can also be started at any entry point. You get 10 free editable PDF challenge sheets with your registration. Any additional awards can be order on our resource page

Hi5 Award:

  • 5+ Years
  • SCQF Level 2
  • Cost per challenge sheet is £6 (This includes standardisation and certification)

Dynamic Youth Award:

  • 10+ Years
  • SCQF Level 3
  • Cost per challenge sheet is £6 (This includes standardisation and certification)

If you wish to deliver our Youth Achievement Awards, you will need to become an Awards Delivery Group (£60 Annual Fee) and find an Awards Delivery Hub to support you. For more information please email the Awards Team at


  • All operational support is from the relevant Area Association main contact (if registered with an AA) or the Youth Scotland Awards Team.  
  • Access to awards materials on the Youth Scotland website 
  • Access to free downloadable themed toolkits 
  • Access to the online submissions platform (Awards Force) 
  • A commitment from Youth Scotland to be constantly developing processes, products, and services to improve and enhance the customer experience 


  • The member group must nominate a ‘main contact’ who will be the point of contact and the conduit for communication between the group and their Area Association or the Youth Scotland awards team.  
  • Ensure that all staff and volunteers have completed the required training for the level of awards they are supporting.   
  • Support staff and volunteers to ensure that the awards are operated within the current guidelines, to the required standards and taking a youth work approach.  
  • Remain current with all developments and changes relating to the awards and award processes, disseminate the information and updates, and maintain up to date records, notifying any changes to Youth Scotland    
  • Review feedback from standardisation, highlighting good practice and suggesting strategies for dealing with any issues.   


Register Your Member Group